March 13, 2025  

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Tips on Entering Search Criteria
  • To locate the information you are looking for more easily, specify as much information as possible in the search criteria to narrow your search. For example, when searching based on the name of an issuer or insider, avoid searching on names that start with the letter  "A" etc.
  • When searching based on a date range, if you specify the lower end of a date range on a criteria screen that precedes the first date of the implementation of SEDI, the search results will only include data filed on or after the date of system launch except when searching based on 'transaction date'. For example, transactions may be reported right after system launch for transactions that occurred prior to the implementation date.
  • Remember, reports filed in paper prior to system launch will not appear in results.
  • When searching based on broad criteria, you may receive a message upon submitting the search that the system found more results than can be displayed on the report. If this happens, you need to refine your search criteria to narrow your search.
Please select a report to run from the list of available reports below.

  Report titles Description
Insider transaction detail Active insider transactions special filters available to narrow results as desired.
Issuer report history The system will provide a list and description of issuer events and issuer grant reports matching the search criteria.
Insider information by issuer The system will provide a list of all insiders related to a specified issuer, results presented may include just a listing of the insiders name or may also include a summary of the insider's holding by class of security.
Weekly summary Generated weekly summary of transactions

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